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Publications and Publicity Committee

Shelley Sawyer, Chair
Elizabeth Bowden, Officer Liaison
Sally Benjamin
Kati Lear
John Richards
Cachet Wells
Sharon Youngs



This part of the committee shall establish policies and review the material published in the White Cane Bulletin. The Bulletin must keep an objective view on all issues, unless otherwise directed by the Board of Directors.

This committee recommends selections of the Bulletin editor(s), which may be approved by the Board, and reviews performance.

Editor Functions

Proposed articles are edited and information from various sources (other affiliates and national publications) is screened, and if appropriate, published in the Bulletin. The editor(s) keep abreast of timely news and pertinent issues via radio, TV and other media.

Articles and other interesting information are requested from chapters. Topics are assigned to individuals who will research the items and write appropriate articles.

White Cane Bulletin

Operating Mechanics

  1. Issues published bi-monthly (eg, January-February).
  2. Articles and information must be to the editor(s) by the 15th of the month prior to publication (i.e. December 15th for the January-February issue).
  3. Upon the editor(s) receipt of information, a two to three day lag is necessary for proofing, typing, and layout.
  4. One copy is sent to the President, three copies to the Braille and Talking Book Library (one for brailling and two for cassette production) and one is retained by the editor(s). The original is sent to the printer on the fifth day of the month.
  5. The Bulletin is published every two months and should be received by readers about the first week of the second month.

NOTE: Although deadlines have been established, many contingencies can and will arise which will, at times, make it impossible to meet the exact time frame.


The primary purpose of this part of the committee is to create public awareness and a good public image for the Council and visually-impaired people as a whole. A further duty of this committee is to inform the general public of the objectives and good works of the Florida Council of the Blind.

This committee shall also advise the publicity chairpersons of chapters in publicizing chapter purposes and activities. The committee will work closely with the Convention Committee in publicizing the annual convention. Further, it will continually update brochures for distribution to chapters.

If you have any questions or comments, email the Publications and Publicity Committee at