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Sarasota Council of the Blind

The Sarasota chapter is the second oldest continually operating chapter of the Florida Council of the Blind. The chapter was formed on May 8th, 1958.


(1) to promote better understanding between blind and sighted people,
(2) to offer their views on issues of importance to local, state and national entities and,
(3) to promote the social and economic welfare of persons who are blind or vision impaired.

Membership and Dues

Membership in the Sarasota Chapter is open to both Sarasota and Manatee County residents. Annual dues are $15.00. Membership in the Sarasota Chapter offers the additional benefit of membership in the Florida Council of the Blind and the American Council of the Blind. You will receive issues of the Braille Forum which comes in large print, braille, cassette, computer disk and by email and the White Cane Bulletin bi-monthly which comes in large print, small print, braille, audio and by email.


The Sarasota Chapter usually meets once each month on the second Saturday (except for June, July, and August) at Denny’s Restaurant 301 Bee Ridge Rd. We have Lunch beginning at 11:30 followed by a Business Meeting. We often have guest speakers.

Sarasota Chapter supports programs of the Lighthouse of Manasota and the Suncoast Center for Independent Living, Inc.

We are proud of our advocacy efforts for the many services that assist blind and visually impaired persons throughout our community. We encourage members to attend public hearings and workshops to show support for issues affecting persons who are blind or visually impaired and to apply for membership on government and nonprofit advisory boards.

We accept donations but encourage interested persons to join the Sarasota Chapter. If you are interested in joining, please contact our Membership Secretary Caroline Salas (941) 441-7209 or email:

The Sarasota Chapter of the Florida Council of the Blind, Inc. accepts donations. This organization is a non-profit membership organization and shall continue to do all things necessary to retain tax-exempt status, pursuant to Internal Revenue Service code 501(c)(3).


Richard Wilkinson
(218) 428-6148

1st Vice President


Recording Secretary

Membership Secretary
Caroline Salas

Board Representative