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September 3, 2024 FCB Executive Committee Meeting Minutes

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FCB Executive Committee Meeting Minutes September 3, 2024

President Mikey Wiseman called the meeting to order on September 3, 2024 at 6:58 PM. Present were President Mikey Wiseman; 1st Vice President, Cassandra Jessie; 2nd Vice President, Shelley Sawyer; Recording Secretary, Elizabeth Bowden; Treasurer, Mark Lear; and Immediate Past President, Sheila Young.  Administrative Assistant Kati Lear joined the meeting as a guest.  

Secretary’s report:  There were no minutes to approve at this time.

Old Business:  
Committee chairs, and officer liaisons have been assigned and are on the web page and in the White Cane Bulletin.  Kati will also send the lists to the executive committee.  Committee chairs have been scheduled to meet on September 11, at 08:15 PM.  Mikey urged liaisons to contact their chapters to enhance communication.   
The Board meeting has been scheduled for October  18 from 6:00 to 9:00 PM and October 19, from 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM.  
We have not heard from the Miami Beach chapter since the recording was sent to them on August 26.  

New Business:
President Mikey asked that the Constitution and Bylaws committee modify our code of conduct so that anyone who is subject to disciplinary action from ACB will receive the same disciplinary from FCB.  Sheila Young will speak with Doug Hall regarding this.  

Treasurer, Mark Lear was asked to research the amount to be paid to ACB for convention donations, determine how to list our National convention costs for tax purposes, and watch for end of year paperwork to be completed.  

We have not gotten attendance figures for National convention and hope they will be provided by ACB in the near future.

The committee congratulated past President Sheila Young who was selected to become part of the ACB mentoring program.  Sheila will be given the name of her mentee on Saturday, September 7.  

The convention committee was asked to begin planning for the 2026 convention, as there is no contract yet.  Mikey has asked that the activities committee work with the convention committee to plan convention activities.  

Articles from recipients of the stipend for ACB convention are in this issue of the White Cane Bulletin.  Sheila will continue to manage that project.

Mikey has been contacted by someone who was denied rides at SeaWorld in addition to the activities committee members.  A letter has been sent regarding this situation which will continue to be monitored.   

Members discussed the Jacksonville white cane event on October 11.  A motion was made by Cassandra Jessie that FCB use budgeted funds to assist those of the executive committee who want to attend the event.  The motion was seconded by Elizabeth Bowden.  There was one opposing vote and the motion passed.          

Members discussed the holiday auction.  The committee will suggest items to be purchased which will be sent to Executive Committee members via email.  The purchase will be made before the deadline.  

This was the last order of business.  Motion to adjourn the meeting was made by Cassandra Jessie and seconded by Shelley Sawyer.  The meeting was adjourned at 8:16 PM.  

Respectfully submitted by,
Elizabeth Bowden,
FCB Recording Secretary