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December 20, 2023, FCB Executive Committee Meeting Minutes

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TXT file 2023 December 20 Executive Committee Meeting Minutes
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A meeting of the Executive Committee was held on Wednesday, December 20, 2023. Those in attendance were: President, Sheila Young; 1st Vice-President, Mikey Wiseman, Treasurer, Mark Lear; Membership Secretary Sally Benjamin; Recording Secretary, Mary Tyson and administrative Assistant Kati Lear.  Also in attendance were Shelley Sawyer and Paul Edwards.  The meeting began at 7:04 PM.

Unfinished Business:

Debbie Grubb has sent out an invitation for those interested in traveling to D.C. for the Leadership Conference and she asked if Janeen Lea was eligible. It had been discussed at Midyear and it was determined that she was not eligible for FCB funding this year.  She can attend on her own but not as a representative of FCB.

Mark has still not had a response from our CPA, Michael Carlisle. He will call him tomorrow as this has become crucial and we may be subject to financial penalties if they are not completed.   

New Business:

Erleen Hughes, who handles our website, sent an email last week resigning, effective immediately.  She spoke with Kati advising that she was having health issues and was concerned that she would not be able to support us, especially during convention. Initially she said that she did want to still work with us, then apparently resigned a couple of days later. Sheila emailed her asking if she would work with whomever we hire to ease the transition and share information and has not had a response.  Sheila is concerned that we may have to start over with our website. Mark has reached out to Greg Luther and will be checking with Adam Gaffney to see if he has any recommendations of someone in Florida who we may hire. Sheila advised that Michael Babcock and Marty Sobo have offered to work with us if we are interested in talking with them. Paul Edwards said that he is a big fan of Michael Babcock and his work and Kati agreed.  Paul Edwards also recommended a firm from California who are currently working with the Library Users and will provide their contact information.

Mikey made a motion that we obtain three bids and evaluate them in order to make an informed decision.  Motion was seconded by Mary. During discussion it was decided that Kati should write up a job description as she knows exactly what jobs need to be accomplished.  This will be shared and we hope to receive quotes in a timely manner. We need to find someone as soon as possible as convention is coming up and the membership form is down. Motion passed.    

Paul Edwards spoke about an upcoming trip to Tallahassee to meet with legislators to remind them that the blindness community is out here and what our current situation is. Information will be provided about our various organizations and what some of our issues are; while not focusing on any specific asks at this time. This is an effort to make ourselves known to them and that we have a strong and united voice. Members from various organizations will be in attendance and visit with the legislators.  Members of Blinded Veterans, NFB of Florida and the Rehab Council will be in attendance as well as members of FCB.  More information will be available after their meeting in January.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:00 PM.

Respectfully submitted by,

Mary Tyson,
FCB Recording Secretary